About Ollie

Name: Ollie
Age: 4
Sex: male
Weight: 18 lbs
Neutered/Spayed: neutered
Housebroken: yes, hasn’t marked or had an accident inside the house
Crate trained: yes (nighttime; also when you leave home but helps to provide food toys (kongs) as he will miss you)
Barks frequently: likes to alert us when folks pass our yard but he is easily redirected when called into the house; reduced barking now at landscapers, garbage trucks, etc. White noise or music helps.
Digs in the yard: No
Good with dogs: friendly or indifferent to dogs in neighborhood. Likes being only dog in house but may connect with similar breed/size in household.
Good with cats: Unsure
Good with kids: Yes
Food/treat aggression: we have not seen any food, treat or toy aggression with us (but unsure if other dogs in household)
Likes: walks, treats, playing fetch, car rides, snuggling with you on couch; basically, likes to be your companion in everything you do. He really likes having a schedule/routine too.
Dislikes: unexpected noises but getting better. White and music helps. Is a Velcro-pug so misses you when you leave the room/house. (He is the perfect work-from-home companion!)
Special considerations: we think he’d thrive in a single dog environment (or possibly with an older similar breed dog) and a household that is work from home as he will truly bond with his owners.
General health: Very healthy 4 year old that shows no apparent health issues. He is an early riser and loves his morning meal, a short walk, and a quick game of fetch before you start work.
Temperament: Very friendly, loving, will bond quickly to owner(s).
Personality: Ollie is a sweet and loving pug that wants to connect with you and be your buddy throughout the day. 
Behavior: Ollie likes a morning routine and will settle/relax by a bed near you when you are working. He also enjoys a quick evening walk after dinner (as he prefers to do his “#2 business” on am/pm walks). He will get sleepy by 8pm but will snuggle on couch until bedtime. He will sleep in a crate near your bed and enjoy his favorite chewy and blanket with him.